NJ’s ban on single use plastic products takes effect in one year – The Stute

2022-04-29 19:16:26 By : Ms. Ranny Zhou

The independent student newspaper of Stevens Institute of Technology

New Jersey has passed a law that will result in the ban of single-use bags and polystyrene foam food service products on May 4, 2022. More specifically, law P.L. 2020, c117 prohibits the use of single-use plastic bags in all stores and food services, as well as the use of single-use paper carryout bags in grocery stores above a certain size. This ban includes the selling of single-use bags in addition to the inability to distribute them free of charge. According to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, reusable bags “are made of polypropylene fabric, PET non-woven fabric, nylon, cloth, hemp product, or other washable fabric and have stitched handles and are designed and manufactured for multiple reuses.” 

This law is intended to protect the environment by minimizing the use of single-use bags, which frequently end up as litter and pollute the ecosystem. The fishing industry will benefit from the change, as fewer fish will be harmed by plastic that ends up in the water. The quality of life for residents is expected to be improved by the cleaner environment. Additionally, the reduction of litter will attract tourists and promote the tourism business by making New Jersey a more desirable location. 

The New Jersey Business Action Center (NJBAC) has created online resources to assist business owners in understanding this new law. Resources include a live chat and monitored phone number where questions can be asked. Furthermore, the NJBAC will be creating a list of vendors who sell reusable bags that meet the requirements. 

However, there has been controversy over whether this law will actually help reduce the number of bags used. Some argue that residents will frequently forget to bring bags and therefore will begin buying excessive amounts of reusable bags. Others claim that single-use bags are just one of the numerous things that are bad for the environment and banning them rather than other items is arbitrary. 

Although the ban on single-use bags has not yet been implemented, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection is already discussing future plans for banning these items. On May 4, 2024, disposable soda spoons, small portion cups, meat and fish trays, prepackaged food, and other polystyrene foam food service products will be restricted in New Jersey. 

Katie Bloomer is a freshman Social Sciences major. She is the Assistant Business Manager for the Stute, writes biweekly for the Mind of a Freshman opinion column, and occasionally contributes to news articles. Her outside interests include sustainability and entrepreneurship.

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The independent student newspaper of Stevens Institute of Technology