10 Natural Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

2022-11-22 02:09:12 By : Mr. jieming Wang

If you have never had a headache, congratulations! But for nearly everyone else, headaches happen, and there are plenty of drug-related ways to prevent and treat them. However, why risk side effects and toxicity from medications when you can go au natural?

People have been treating headaches naturally for thousands of years. Some of the methods have withstood the passage of time while others have emerged on the scene more recently or been studied scientifically and found to be effective.  Buy Magnesium Carbonate

10 Natural Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

With that introduction, let’s explore some natural headache remedies.

You may want to try Traditional Chinese Medicine and travel the meridians (energy pathways) to relieve headache and migraine pain. Acupuncture, for example, has been shown to be similar in effectiveness to common migraine prophylactic (preventive) medications, according to the findings of a 22-study review . The evidence also suggests that using acupuncture along with symptomatic treatment of migraines can reduce headache frequency.

Acupressure also addresses the flow of energy through your meridians. This technique involves applying pressure with your index fingers to the area between your eyebrows. Using a circular motion, rub the spot for about one minute. Another acupressure point lies between your index finger and thumb. Apply pressure near the base of your thumb for about five seconds, then release. If this is difficult a small wearable can help.

This shrub has anti-inflammatory properties that may help fight migraines. Doses of 50 to 150 mg  have been shown to reduce headache symptoms. When choosing butterbur supplements, be sure to get a purified product, because unpurified forms can damage your liver.  

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is generally known as being a heart-friendly supplement. However, several studies have shown that taking CoQ10 can also assist with migraines. In fact, a study  of 80 individuals showed that a dose of 100 mg daily proved to be effective at reducing the severity, length, and frequency of migraines. A smaller but more aggressive study  found that 100 mg CoQ10 taken three times a day reduced frequency and nausea in nearly half of treated individuals compared with 14 percent of those who took a placebo.

Electrolytes are minerals (e.g., sodium chloride, magnesium, potassium, calcium) that have an electrical charge. When they are out of balance in the body, usually due to dehydration, headache and migraine may occur. To help prevent and treat headaches and migraines, be sure to replace low electrolyte levels by drinking a beverage that contains these essential elements. [Editor’s Note: We love SOS Hydration because it is low in sugar and calories but as effective as an IV drip in helping keep you hydrated.]

The aromatic compounds (essential oils ) found in many plants have the ability to ease headaches and migraine pain. Inhaling the aroma of lavender  and peppermint, for example, can reduce tension headache and migraine symptoms. Place a drop or two on your upper lip or a cotton ball and inhale. Some get relief by rubbing peppermint oil  into their temples or the back of the neck.  

Feverfew  has long been a natural remedy for the management of migraines. The herb contains parthenolide, a chemical that reduces factors in the body that may cause migraines. A 2019 report  noted that this herb, with its anti-inflammatory properties, is “probably effective” against migraines. An effective dosage range maybe 50 to 150 mg. 

You might think of ginger as being great for digestion, and it can be. But did you know it also can relieve headache pain? A study appearing in Phytotherapy Research  reported that ginger powder (250 mg) was comparable to sumatriptan (a common prescription for migraine) in relieving common migraine attacks. People who used ginger also experienced fewer side effects. You can use ginger tea rather than a supplement if you prefer.

Among the many benefits, one can derive from this mineral is relief from headache pain. According to a 2020 report , “Migraine is usually related to low amounts of Mg [magnesium ]” and “Mg has been extensively used in migraine prophylaxis and treatment.” The American Migraine Foundation  suggests an oral dose of 400 to 500 mg magnesium daily to prevent migraines. Although they recommend magnesium oxide, this form is not easily absorbed and can lead to stomach upset. We prefer the better-absorbed form of magnesium glycinate or magnesium l-threonate that can cross the blood-brain barrier. You can visit this site and use the code SAVVY20NEW to save 25% off your first order. Just search for the term and some quality choices. will come up.

Did you know that not staying adequately hydrated can cause both migraines and tension headaches ? We get it: you forget your water bottle at home, you work out and don’t take the time to drink enough water, you’re so busy at work it slips your mind to take a sip. 

But chronic dehydration  can be a real pain in the head. Both prevent and treat headaches by drinking about eight or more glasses of water daily and eating water-rich foods.

Have you ever done the downward-facing dog pose? This yoga position  is just one of several that can help relieve stress, reduce pain, and lessen the frequency and intensity of headaches. The practice of yoga has the ability to relieve chronic headache pain. One study  found that the frequency and intensity of chronic migraines were reduced more among participants who engaged in both conventional therapy and yoga than those who did conventional care only.

Do you experience tension or migraine headaches and want to find effective natural remedies? Then look no further; these options have been shown to provide relief from your head pain.

Dolati S et al. The role of magnesium in pathophysiology and migraine treatment. Biological Trace Element Research  2020 Aug; 196(2):375-83.

Gobel H et al. Peppermint oil in the acute treatment of tension-type headache. Schmerz  2016; 30:295-310

Ha H, Gonzalez A. Migraine headache prophylaxis. American Family Physician  2019 Jan 1; 99(1):17-24.

Kacperski J et al. The optimal management of headaches in children and adolescents. Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders  2016 Jan; 9(1): 53-68

Kisan R et al. Effect of yoga on migraine: a comprehensive study using clinical profile and cardiac autonomic functions. International Journal of Yoga  2014 Jul-Dec; 7(2): 126-32

Koseoglu E et al. The effects of magnesium prophylaxis in migraine without aura. Magnesium Research  2008 Jun; 21(2)

Koulivand PH et al. Lavender and the nervous system. Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine  2013; 2013:681304

Linde K et al. Acupuncture for the prevention of episodic migraine. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews  2016 Jun 28; 2016(6):CD001218

Maghbooli M et al. Comparison between the efficacy of ginger and sumatriptan in the ablative treatment of the common migraine. Phytotherapy Research  2014 Mar; 28(3):412-5.

Magnesium. American Migraine Foundation . 2013 15 Oct

NDTV Food. 5 yoga poses to get rid of your headache. NDTV  2016 Jun 9

Pareek A et al.Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium L): a systematic review.Pharmacognosy Review 2011 Jan-Jun;5(9):103-10

Ray L. Electrolyte imbalance & headache. Livestrong  

Sándor PS et al. Efficacy of coenzyme Q10 in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial. Neurology  2005 Feb 22; 64(4):713-5

Shoeibi A et al. Effectiveness of coenzyme Q10 in prophylactic treatment of migraine headache: an open-label, add-on, controlled trial. Acta Neurologica   Belgica  2017 Mar; 117(1):103-9.

10 Natural Remedies for Migraines and Headaches

Mg(Oh)2 Wober C, Wober-Bingol C. Triggers of migraine and tension-type headache. Handbook of Clinical Neurology  2020; 97:161-72